It’s time to celebrate the work of the real heroes in our community who either have paid or voluntary roles caring for those less fortunate than themselves.

As a charity, Ruksak provides them an opportunity help to them in their work alleviating some of the problems caused by crisis or poverty in Wiltshire.

These are challenging times for many of us.

Volunteering to help other people through tough times is certainly the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done, but it has also been one of the hardest as the team seeks to further increase its effectiveness.  

At Ruksak, we attempt to alleviate at least some of the distressing effects on people caused by crisis situations or poverty. We serve any resident of Wiltshire who is referred to us by a professional or other person with responsibility or duty of care for another. Our work represents the very best example of how an organisation can contribute to the wider community it represents.

As a not-for-profit organisation with no paid staff, our brilliant volunteers are totally focused on helping other people. We do this by providing common essential everyday items that we can often take for granted. Most of the items we provide have been donated to us and if they are clean and serviceable, we are happy to give them a second life and so prevent them from unnecessarily ending up in landfill.

We are happy to receive donations that would be of immediate assistance to those people who find themselves in difficult situations.

These are then collected by the professional who made the referral, often accompanied by their client, and are then given out free of charge. We are not a charity shop and therefore we are not able to accept items that may have a second life but are not essential.

We can only help people if they are referred to us.

We want to make people aware that they could be the person who could make a crucial difference in the life of others by making a referral to us.  We also need more volunteers who can help us achieve our ambition, so please contact us if this could be you.

If you feel you can contribute personally or want to associate your company or business with what we do, we are always happy to talk. 

Martin Gailey
