WESTBURY rugby star Rich Coleman says he's devastated after a serious shoulder injury ended his playing career.

The talented centre has been forced to hang up his boots after snapping the corecoid bone in a shoulder during Westbury's win over Wootton Bassett 2nds last Saturday.

Coleman had already scored two tries before a collision with a Bassett player left him grounded and needing hospital treatment.

He was taken to the Royal United Hospital in Bath where doctors administered morphine to numb the pain.

"I knew as soon as I took the hit something was wrong," said Coleman.

"I've dislocated my shoulder before but this was different. I was lying on the ground and I couldn't move my arm - it was completely dead.

"The doctors told me people have come back from this injury, but I've taken so many blows in the past I decided enough was enough."

The 26-year-old former Bath Youth player returned to the RUH last Wednesday to see a bone specialist.

If the shoulder does not heel within eight weeks as predicted, Coleman may have to undergo key-hole surgery.

"It's so frustrating because I love to play rugby," he said.

"I always knew my shoulder wasn't going to last forever but I had hoped to play into my early 30s at least."

Coleman broke his collar bone aged 14 and his career has been plagued with injuries ever since.

Playing at centre, he has always punched above his weight but it seems the physical nature of the game has finally caught up with him.

"Rugby is a contact sport so you have to accept you will pick up a few injuries along the way.

"But that's what I loved about it. I never backed down from anything and I really enjoyed the rough and tumble of it all.

"It's sad to think I won't be able to join the lads out on the field again."

But with the birth of his first child due in January, Coleman is determined to look on the bright side. He and partner Laura are busy preparing their Frome home for the new arrival.

"I had planned to take a few weeks off from rugby anyway to be with Laura and the baby - I just didn't think I would never be going back again.

"At least the injury happened now and not just before Christmas. It gives me time to build the nursery before the baby is born."

Coleman intends to return to Leighton Green in a coaching capacity and coach Jon Parker says he would be delighted to work alongside him.

Said Parker: "It's a great shame Richie will not be playing anymore because I know how much he loves the game.

"But he doesn't get paid to play and it's not worth risking his health to come back. There will always be a place for him here on the coaching staff if he wants to get involved in that way."

Westbury have suffered more than most with injuries this season.

Against Slough in the EDF Senior Vase on Saturday, South African Tom Barrell last just 20 minutes before he was helped off the field.

Initial fears that Barrell had broken his collar bone were later allayed, but the scrum-half will be out for at least five weeks.

Parker said: "We've not had the best of luck with injuries so far. It makes life very difficult when you lose two key players in a week.

"Fourtunately we have a fairly big squad so we should be able to cope."