I finished my first ‘Fitton Proper’ saying that I hoped that all football club owners ‘have a plan, the patience to see it through – and deep pockets’.

There is nothing ground-breaking about that statement, you can’t make a success of any organisation whether it’s a football club, a business, or a kid's birthday party without a plan. And that’s true for the Chairman, CEO and Team Manager.

The legendary boxer Mike Tyson once said “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face” and right now that’s how things must feel at The Nigel Eady County Ground.

Whether for the Chairman, CEO or Manager, this isn’t how things were meant to work out. Spare a thought – all of them had a plan to deliver success, the Chairman, I know, believes in the plan and improved processes that he has put in place to deliver promotion or at least a play-off opportunity in the current season. The Manager, having presumably been given the financial backing that he asked for when he took the job, presumably bought into that objective too.

But, none of those involved would honestly claim that things are working out as they hoped. It is, of course, true that it’s not how you start but where you finish but as Albert Einstein is often credited with saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result."

When the late Henry Cooper came close to defeating Cassius Clay (later Muhammad Ali) in the fourth round of their World Title Fight in June 1963, Clay’s trainer Angelo Dundee delayed the restart of the fight for long enough for Clay to recover and make a plan – Clay won the fight in the next round. That feels like where those behind the scenes at Swindon must be right now.

I am sure that all at The Nigel Eady County Ground are taking a deep breath and searching for the key that will open the door to success – none of them want the club to fail, they surely have a common interest in seeing it succeed. Let’s hope that the plan comes together because for the moment it’s looking like yet another season on the proverbial ropes battling it out at the bottom of League Two.