Marcus Bignot confirmed that Swindon Town are looking to bring in a new goalkeeper to try and push Jack Bycroft for the number one shirt.

Swindon entered the summer with only Bycroft and Redman Evans as goalkeepers in the squad and in the opening pre-season matches three different trialist goalkeepers have been involved.

Max Harris and Rohan Luthra played one half each at The Webbswood Stadium against Swindon Supermarine, before against Hungerford Town, as reported in the Daily Record, Max Boruc of Hibernian donned the goalkeeper jersey.

Boruc has been given permission to train with Swindon after not being in contention at Hibernian following a loan spell with Arbroath last season to gain more experience.

Speaking after the Hungerford game, Bignot said that Swindon were evaluating goalkeepers to try and push Bycroft as the starter, as tough of a task as that would be.

He said: “They [Harris and Luthra] are still in our thoughts, this was arranged with Steve [Mildenhall] for the goalkeepers to come in over this two-week period, we had one in our first week of pre-season and they have been joined by the other goalkeeper this week.

“They are all on the list and they are all in for consideration because it is an area that we need to bring in.

“[Are you looking for someone to challenge Bycroft?] That will be the plan. Although they will be a really good goalkeeper to challenge Jack.

“It is like the outfielders, we want to get a squad where we have two for each position and if we can get to that then we will be in a really good position.”

Town also had three outfield trialists at Bulpit Lane, one of whom in Dylan Mitchell has since become a permanent signing, and Bignot said that all three were also under serious consideration to also join Mark Kennedy’s squad on a permanent basis.

He said: "Yes [the trialists have been impressing us], that is why they are in the building and that is why they have been playing because we have seen something in them.

"They deserve to come out and showcase their ability, which they are trying their level best to do.

"It is an opportunity, you can see as many players in training as you like, but ultimately they are going to be judged in matches, so it has been pleasing to see them in a game situation."