Swindon Town CEO Anthony Hall said that the club were actively doing work on getting a new training ground for the whole club.

At present the Swindon first team train at Beversbrook in Calne, with the women’s team and academy mostly training at Foundation Park, although Hall said that work was ongoing to find somewhere for all sections of the club to train.

As part of the Five-Year Plan presented to fans at the Fans Forum in January, one of the points in year one said that the club would “Continue discussions around the future facilities for all three branches of the football club.” Then by year three, that work would be completed and all three teams would be training in the same place.

Speaking to Hall and owner Clem Morfuni, The Adver asked where the progress was with this project amongst other sections of their plan for the future of the club.

Hall said: “We are [actively pursuing that]. We have stuff that we are looking at, I have to be careful because of confidentiality, but we are looking at getting somewhere that hopefully our academy, women’s teams, and the first team can all train.

“That would all be part of one facility and that would be great for us, so we are striving towards that and getting closer to doing that. It is our aspiration to have that.

“[Do you have a timeline for when that might happen?] It would be wrong of me to do that because then I would be judged against it, so that is one thing that I am keen not to do.

“But we are actively pursuing that and there are ongoing discussions about trying to get that one training facility.”

Another part of that plan was that off-field processes would be stabilised and sound processes would be put in place.

Hall said: “That has been one of the big things that we have been working on, like some of the issues that we had with HMRC with caused the embargo and making sure that doesn’t happen.

“We have still got a way to go, it doesn’t happen overnight but those processes are being implemented this coming season and financial year.

“For the late payments, we now have a simple timeline of when stuff is due and it is properly recorded in and out so we know when everything must be paid.

“[Has every payment been on time since the charge?] Yes.”