Arthritis is a problem that affects many people in their day-to-day life, but some might not know it is a problem that many dogs face as well.

According to vet and Head of Pets at Home, Dr Karlien Heyrman, older dogs and those who have already experienced joint problems are particularly prone to the condition, but the symptoms can often be accidentally overlooked.

Dr Karlien added: “Arthritis can be caused by daily wear and tear, but severe arthritis is most likely to develop if a dog is overweight, suffers from joint problems or injuries, or tends to exercise excessively.

“Thankfully, there are ways to slow the progression of the condition as both improvements in diet and regular exercise can help. Vets can also prescribe specific medication and supplements if your dog is diagnosed and, in some cases, surgery may be recommended to help."

Wiltshire Times: Symptoms for arthritis can sometimes be overlooked in dogsSymptoms for arthritis can sometimes be overlooked in dogs (Image: Canva)

If you notice any of the below symptoms in your dog contact your vet, as they will be able to perform a full physical examination to confirm a diagnosis.

5 warning signs that your dog may have arthritis

Mobility issues

Often the first sign that your dog is suffering from arthritis is a change in their mobility.

While you may think slowing down is natural as they get older, if you notice your dog is less enthusiastic or struggling to walk, climb stairs or jump as easily as usual, it could indicate that they are in pain and suffering from arthritis.


Likewise, if you notice your dog appears stiff, especially after lots of exercise, this could be a sign of joint pain or arthritis. 

Mood and behaviour changes

Your dog growling or snapping at you when being lifted could be an indicator of persistent joint pain.

Additionally, you may also notice your dog is sleeping more or is less enthusiastic to play or go out for walks.

Chewing or licking paws or joints

Chewing and licking is a compulsive behaviour that can be triggered by stress or anxiety.

If your pet is licking its paws or joints constantly, it’s likely they’re trying to soothe itself.

Most commonly, this is a sign of itchy skin, but it can indicate arthritis too.

Changes in posture

If you notice that your dog’s body shape has changed and they appear to have a more ‘hunched’ back, this could be a sign that they are suffering from arthritis.

The condition can affect the joints in the spine, which results in a change of posture and can cause muscle loss in the back and legs.