A PUMPKIN party with lots of tricks and treats will help raise funds for a playgroup.

On Tuesday, children from Mansion House Pre-school Playgroup in Corsham are celebrating Hallowe'en at Corsham Community Centre.

The freaky fun starts at 2pm and includes a fancy dress parade, carved pumpkin competition and apple bobbing.

It is hoped the event will boost funds for the playgroup's proposed new premises.

Playgroup manager, Linda Beeho said: "We are still a long way from our target which means we are now unfortunately behind schedule with the move.

"The pumpkin party will help raise money as well as bring plenty of smiles to the children."

Mansion House Pre-School Playgroup needs to raise more than £100,000 in order to start building work at the site of St Patrick's Catholic Primary School.

The new premises will offer a bespoke learning environment for the pre-school children, a major improvement on the current facilities in Pickwick Road.