PUPILS at a school in Corsham have a £5,000 outdoor classroom thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association.

On Friday, the multi-purpose room was opened at St Patrick's Catholic Primary School in Lacock Road, to the delight of staff and children.

The room, which is made mostly of wood, will be used as a quiet area, somewhere for role-play activities, and as a classroom for geography and science lessons when pupils might need to work outside.

The money to pay for the building was raised through a busy programme of events organised by the PTFA, including a Christmas hamper raffle and a summer fete.

Headteacher Kieran Loftus said: "All children from across the different year groups will benefit from this new facility, and it's something we would have like to have seen a while ago.

"We are delighted with it and it will certainly enhance our children's learning and get a lot of use all year round."