A FAMILY home in Lyneham has been transformed into a Hallowe'en house of horrors complete with its own graveyard and monsters.

For the last four years Carol Bishop and her husband Kes have been decorating their house in Hastings Drive as a way of getting the community together at Hallowe'en.

Months of organisation and making props goes into decking out the house both inside and out with all kinds of spooky items and creatures.

Mrs Bishop, 30, said: "Lots of people from the community come down and have a good get together.

"We've got people coming round for the next four days and then on Tuesday the children will come round trick or treating.

"Everyone comes dressed up in Hallowe'en costume and we have drinks and games like apple bobbing.

"We have gone slightly over the top because this is probably the last time we'll get to do it as we'll be moving next year."

As well as a graveyard in the garden, the hall has been turned into a dungeon and the dining room into a witch's den.

When she's not turning her home into a haunted house, Mrs Bishop, whose husband is in the RAF, works as a nursery nurse, and the couple have three young children.