A KNOCK at the door on Hallowe'en or Guy Fawkes Night is an annoyance for most people, but generally these callers turn out to be completely harmless.

However, we at Help the Aged are concerned that in some cases unsolicited callers at this time of year are particularly distressing for older people. Even more so if a trick is carried out or if that person feels under pressure to give money to the caller.

In light of this, Help the Aged would like to offer some simple advice to older readers on how to feel secure at this time of year.

  • Always put the door chain on and look out of the window or spyhole to see who is there before opening the door.
  • Take particular care if there is more than one person on your doorstep, which you can easily check if you have a spyhole installed.
  • If in doubt keep them out. Often, and quite unnecessarily, people feel embarrassed about refusing to let someone in at the door. You should only open the door if you feel safe to do so. If you do not feel safe opening the door, then don't.
  • If you get unwelcome callers and feel particularly threatened, dial 999 and ask for the police.
  • If you are especially worried, you could invite a friend or relative around for dinner. A fun evening should take your mind off unexpected callers.

Hopefully by being aware of these precautionary measures, older people will feel safer in their homes. Help the Aged has HandyVan programmes in around 40 areas across the country that aim to help older people feel more secure. Older people concerned about their security can find out more about these services by calling (01255) 473999.

ANTHEA BEEKS, Home Support Manager, Help the Aged Pentonville Road, London, N1 9UZ