GUESTS danced the night away in the Paragon Hall, Westbury, on Friday to raise money for charity.

The Black Heart and Druids rock n' roll revival band entertained and a raffle was held, raising more than £800 to be split between The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund and the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

The event was organised by Sheila Andrew, whose husband Alan died in February 2004 from pancreatic cancer.

Mrs Andrew is also a committee member of Cancer Research UK but said she wanted to do something specifically for pancreatic cancer because it is one of the most under-researched cancers.

Mrs Andrew also sells some of her husband's artwork to raise money for the charity.

"I got involved with the charity after my husband died," she said.

"It was set up by a woman in the Midlands whose husband died about the same time. Pancreatic cancer is one of the hardest cancers to find and is difficult to research.

"Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves on Friday. It went very well. I think my husband would have been delighted with the event.

"The band went down very well and I'd like to give them my thanks."

Mrs Andrew thanked the local shopkeepers and businesses which donated prizes to the raffle.