MANY blind people are being cheated' by not being allowed to claim the same level of benefit as wheelchair users.

I know that some blind people (who can't drive and in many cases find it impossible to use public transport) are missing vital hospital appointments and job opportunities because the benefit they receive doesn't cover the cost of taxis. On a day-to-day basis not being able to get out independently stops many blind people from doing basic things like getting their own shopping, meeting up with friends and joining local clubs. This has a massive impact on the quality of people's lives.

I support the Royal National Institute of the Blind's campaign calling for a change to Disability Living Allowance, a state benefit that allows people with other disabilities who can drive to claim its higher mobility rate, worth £43.45 per week. People with serious sight loss are only eligible to claim the lower rate of just £16.50 per week.

I am asking our MP Andrew Murrison for his support for the many people in his constituency who could benefit from this change. This situation is unfair and unacceptable. If readers would like more information about the campaign they can contact the RNIB on 020 7391 2121.