AS a local headteacher I felt that I must write in response to your article which apparently was inaccurately headlined Head of failing school to quit'.

No doubt the editorial team and readership of the Wiltshire Times are well aware that the OFSTED inspection looks at a variety of aspects in schools but under the current format focuses predominantly on the results of a year group's tests in a week in May.

There is so much more to the school experience' than this narrow view of education. Parents want their children to have a joy for learning, to be motivated to find out more, to realise their potential, to recognise how important self-discipline and getting on with others is if they are to be positive members of our society.

In schools we have a truly wonderful privilege to help children to develop. This great responsibility does not sit solely at the door of the headteacher. It has been said that a headteacher is like the conductor of a full orchestra. If the music played needs to improve then all sections need to work together to stay in tune to increase the opportunities of success.

All schools need to maintain this balance, which will require pupils, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, governors, local authority and the immediate community to share the responsibility.

Your article quotes an un-elected, un-named parent to represent the views of the school, for what end? Does this article actually help the school?

The pressure on the headteacher can only be imagined, with its inevitable physical and emotional consequences. Miss Wilmott has now resigned, with the worse case scenario being that she will be lost to the profession. With headteacher applications for headship in our authority at an all-time low perhaps the Wiltshire Times have contributed to this state of recruitment by fuelling the blame culture on the individual.

I wish Holbrook well and hope that the school community can come together to move forward. Perhaps in future the Wiltshire Times could report such matters as Committed head of improving school forced to resign'.

R HATT, Trowbridge