I HAVE very recently come home from the RUH, Bath, where I was given a new hip by Mr Bishay and his team.

The orthopaedic department was so clean. We all had the use of our own TV and phone. We never came across any diseases, we all came out fine.

The problems of the RUH from what we could see were due to housekeeping and demanding politics. I met nurses from all across the world who chose to come here for teaching because they know that ours is the best. I was so proud to find four of these magnificent young nurses came from Trowbridge.

No one could fault the care, the tender kindness and the laughter we six in our bay shared. I met five absolutely wonderful ladies and boy, did we have fun. We got told off very gently by a giggling nurse. We had the liveliest young male nurse called Alli who made us laugh even more. I know already that laughter is good for the soul but believe me, it's a great help towards healing as well.

We were all so grateful for what we received. Mr Bishay is so very good at what he does and he has the best team ever. Thanks to them I now have a brand new right hip and a brilliantly repaired left knee and I am so grateful. You guys are the best!

I would also like to say stop looking for the worst - look for the best in the RUH. There's so much there to find. It's not the doctors and nurses' fault!

MRS J VEAL, Trowbridge