A FATHER-OF-TWO is fuming at sexist' signs displayed at a major supermarket in Trowbridge.

Andrew Bryant, 39, visited the Tesco Store in County Way last Thursday with the eldest of his two children, three-year-old Templar, and was shocked to find the store had put up signs for mother and baby' parking.

Mr Bryant, of Halfway Close, Trowbridge, said: "It is completely anachronistic and the sort of thing you would have expected to see 15 years ago.

"I am not being silly, I do realise these spaces are meant for a parent and child, but I would imagine Tesco spend a lot of money on equality and diversity training and then do something like this."

Mr Bryant, who also has a five-month-old daughter, Diva, with his wife Nina, said he is constantly frustrated by the lack of facilities provided for fathers who are out with their children.

He said: "Why can't stores appreciate that men are just as much parents as women?

"We drive our offspring in cars, we change their nappies, we warm bottles.

"There is an appalling lack of changing tables in male toilets and you just have to change your children outside somewhere, which isn't very hygienic and is not what everyone wants to see.

"There may be men out there shirking their responsibilities, but that doesn't mean others should be penalised."

Mr Bryant is a former teacher who now works with youth service Connexions in Trowbridge and is a member of Trowbridge Town Council.

He is also a West Wiltshire district councillor and was appointed last year as the authority's first Youth Champion, to improve communications with young people in the area.

Mr Bryant has complained to Tesco and said he will refuse to shop at the store until they make amends for the offence they have caused.

"I would like the signs to be changed and an acknowledgement that this was inappropriate and a donation to a children's charity would not hurt," he said.

The supermarket is undergoing a major refurbishment and expansion to allow it to sell more non-food items.

A spokesman for Tesco said yesterday: "No offence was meant to be caused. We have taken down the signs and we are going to put up another saying Parent and Child'.

"We didn't really put much thought into the actual sign but once people pointed out it may cause offence we took it down."