TWO councillors are calling for a police crackdown on motorists who park illegally in disabled bays.

Cllrs Terry Chivers and Angie Barker, of West Wiltshire District Council, have noticed an increasing amount of drivers parking without displaying disabled badges.

Cllr Barker, who has written to the police asking that they enforce the law, said: "This week in Trowbridge I was shocked to see that outside NatWest bank all three parking places had been taken by people not displaying blue badges.

"It's just not fair, these people that park without consideration may one day need these spaces."

Cllr Chivers added: "Next year the (district) council takes over the role of on-street parking enforcement, but until then the police must act to enforce the law. I would suggest you could go to any of the five west Wiltshire towns and find disabled parking bays full of non-disabled drivers."