CAMPAIGNERS fighting against a Westbury bypass believe the controversial road would have a devastating effect on rare wildlife.

Consultants investigating the impact of the road have discovered protected animals, including 13 out of the 17 species of British bats, dormice, barn owls and water voles in the Wellhead Valley, where the proposed bypass would run.

Westbury Bypass Alliance chairman Colin Little said: "This place is a wildlife haven. The county council should be rejoicing over what it has found and protecting it, instead of which they're building a great big road in its place."

Wiltshire County Council highways improvement manager Tim Jones said the council was well aware of the bats and had been looking at ways to protect them.

"We've done extensive studies, including electronic tagging," he said. "We've also built measures into the road to protect them. For those which fly low, like Horseshoes, we've put in two underpasses.

"They're creatures of habit which follow hedges and they'll continue to follow these routes even if the hedges have been taken out."

Other measures include planting hedges, installing low level lights and widening tracks.