CCTV cameras are being blocked by signs and lights on buildings, says a local councillor.

At a meeting of Trowbridge Town Council's town development committee on Tuesday Cllr Graham Hedley said the council could have to alter cameras to combat the problem.

He said: "Anything within the CCTV area in the town, if it sticks out or has a light pointing the wrong way, can interfere with the CCTV."

He said the problem had come to light when signs put up by The Shires shopping centre in the town had caused problems with the camera on the corner of Fore Street and Castle Street.

Cllr Hedley said he felt businesses should be asked to meet any costs incurred by altering the cameras but fellow councillors did not agree.

Mayor Tom James said: "We could not turn down a planning application on those grounds."

CCTV cameras in the town are the responsibility of the town council and are monitored by staff at The Shires.