UNION member Bruce Matthews is leading a march in London to show support for NHS workers who face cuts across the county.

The branch secretary of North Wiltshire UNISON has organised a mass rally and lobby of Parliament on November 1 to protest about cuts in NHS funding.

A performance manager at North Wiltshire District Council, Mr Matthews has organised a coach for supporters, which will leave from the council offices in Monkton Park, Chippenham, at 7.30am.

He said: "If you are angry about local hospital closures or nurses without jobs join the rally at the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster.

"We are anxious to attract health workers who may wish to wear their uniforms and increase the visual impact of our action.

"Our members at the council, in leisure centres, housing associations and town councils all believe in cottage hospitals.

"The creeping agenda of closure is affecting patients and health workers and it has to be halted."

Conservative MP James Gray, who is against the closure of local hospitals, supports the protest.

"It is unacceptable, particularly in a rural location like Wiltshire, to make people drive for miles to get hospital treatment," he said.

If you would like to join the rally on Wednesday give your name to Mr Matthews by calling (01249) 706615.