MYSTERY surrounds an investigation into the conduct of the vice-chairman of west Wiltshire's largest housing society.

David Oakenson, 53, was handed a letter on Thursday informing him he was suspended from the board of West Wiltshire Housing Society, on which he has served for 12 years.

Speaking to the Wiltshire Times, he said: "It came completely out of the blue and I was very surprised. The letter was very brief, just a couple of paragraphs, and I am still waiting for an explanation.

"We are a well-respected and a good local organisation and this is very destabilising.

"It is also potentially very serious. We are government regulated and we receive a government grant.

"We have to demonstrate we are managing it properly but we can't do that if there are rows going on between the chief executive and the board."

Mr Oakenson, a Frome town councillor and former Wiltshire county councillor, says he believes chief executive Henriette van Deth, who is currently on holiday, is behind the move and believes there is nothing in law that allows him to be suspended.

A spokesman for the society said the action was taken by chairman of the board John Alford, who had the task of handing the letter of suspension to Mr Oakenson.

Mr Alford was acting on legal advice following an issue which had been raised about Mr Oakenson's behaviour.

She said: "West Wiltshire Housing Society can confirm that an investigation is being held into one of the board members following an issue raised under our whistleblowing policy.

"Due to the ongoing investigation and to maintain the confidentiality of those involved it is inappropriate for us to comment further at this time.

"The chair of the society has acted on the advice of his/the society's solicitor. Henriette has not had an involvement in the action that the chair has decided to take."

The spokesman added that there was no precedent for the scenario and that the housing society was following procedures laid down for dealing with a complaint made by one staff member against another.

For a board member to be dismissed from their position on the board 75 per cent of board members, in this case 12 out of 15 people, would have to agree to do so.

Mr Alford, who took over the society's chairmanship from Mr Oakenson last year, said he felt it would be inappropriate to comment on the situation.

West Wiltshire Housing Society is a not-for-profit housing association which is the landlord for 85 per cent of affordable housing in the district and owns more than 5,000 properties.

The board of directors is made up of 15 volunteers, five tenants, five local councillors and five independent members, of which Mr Oakenson is one.