A NIGHTCLUB in Trowbridge has helped land a promoter with an £80 fine for illegal advertising.

Terry's Nite Spot, and club manager Kevin Moore, have been working closely with West Wiltshire District Council enforcement officers to tackle the problem of fly-posting.

When the enforcement officers found several posters stuck to phone boxes in Trowbridge and Westbury, advertising an event at Terry's, the club passed on the promoter's details and a fixed penalty notice was issued.

The on-the-spot fines have been made possible by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act, which came into force earlier this year.

John Carter, the district council's environmental health manager said: "Our enforcement officers have been talking directly with venues across the district to try and tackle the problem of fly-posting at source.

"As a result, management at Terry's made a real effort to draw up contracts with promoters that required an end to fly-posting."

Cllr Rosemary Brown, the environment portfolio holder added: "We have had very positive feedback from the pubs and clubs whose promoters might fly-post, and I am confident that we will see a reduction in illegal advertising as this approach takes effect."