TRAVELLERS have set up camp near Semington despite being removed from the site a couple of weeks ago, sparking calls from residents for more forceful action to be taken.

Over the past few years the travellers have regularly set themselves up on the grass verge at Old Road, Little Marsh, leaving rubbish and turning the lane into a no-go area.

Earlier this month residents put together a petition, signed by 19 of the 20 households that were asked, calling on Wiltshire County Council to resolve the problem permanently.

On Tuesday the travellers returned with five vehicles and caravans, setting up camp on the former route of the A350, before the Semington bypass was built.

Semington parish councillor Peter Vooght said: "Every time they come the rubbish they leave behind that has to be cleared away is just disgusting. This problem should have been sorted sooner and what the residents would like to see is the road closed or made narrower to restrict access.

"Every parish council meeting at present all we seem to discuss is the issue of the travellers, so it needs to be solved then we can move on to other things."

One of the major fears for residents in Semington and Little Marsh is that travellers are creating a health hazard with all the waste, including excrement, they leave behind and are spoiling the village.

Amanda Hillman, 30, of the Orchard, Semington said: "They the travellers just feel like they can do whatever they want, where we have to do things like pay council tax to have our rubbish removed."

A spokesman for Wiltshire County Council said: "County Council officers visited the site and served preliminary warning notices on Wednesday morning on the five vehicles present.

"Formal welfare enquiries were undertake by the local traveller liaison officer.

"The divisional highway manager is already looking into making arrangements regarding the protection of this site for the future."