BABY Ellie decided to keep her parents waiting by putting in an appearance nine days late.

She was eventually born at Trowbridge Hospital after first-time mother Emma Wainwright went into labour at home.

Mrs Wainwright, 29, said: "The pregnancy ran really smoothly with no problems whatsoever, certainly until the end when Ellie was rather late."

Mrs Wainwright and her husband Paul, 30, have been married for just over a year, and decided on their new baby's name a long time ago.

"The names Ellie and May just seemed to flow nicely with our surname, and we picked the names even before she was conceived," said Mr Wainwright.

The couple are planning on having another child at some stage and would like a little brother for Ellie.

Mr Wainwright said: "We would just like to say a big thank you to the staff at Trowbridge Hospital because both the post and ante-natal care have been great."

Born: October 20, 7.02pm, Weight: 8lb, Parents: Emma and Paul Wainwright, Leigh Park, Westbury