COLIN Scragg is a former president of Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce. He is married to Sian and has two children Jessica, eight and Edward, six.

Colin, 39, who is a chartered surveyor and partner at Dreweatt Neate, was born in Hanover, Germany, and educated at Clayesmore in Dorset and North East London Poly (University of East London). He has been living in Wiltshire since 1985 and enjoys camping, cycling, surfing, walking and swimming.

What do you like most about living in Wiltshire?

The travel time into work is nice and access to the countryside, coast and Bath.

Where would you recommend for a good evening out and why?

I enjoy eating out in Bath, which is a rarity, although we are spoilt with some very good pubs in the locality such as The Angel, Heytesbury and The Linnet, Great Hinton for excellent food.

Who would be your ideal dinner partner and why?

Other than my wife, Sir Steve Redgrave, Martin Johnson and Ricky Gervais - national sporting heroes plus a bit of humour.

Which local landmark or attraction would you recommend?

The Westbury White Horse after its makeover! And the family enjoy Shearwater/Heavens Gate.

What is your favourite book and why?

I do not have a great deal of time to read but I do enjoy Jeffrey Deaver, Dan Brown and Wilbur Smith and Today's Golfer.

What is your favourite music and why?

Generally middle of the road such as Robbie Williams, James Blunt and 1970s and 1980s classics.

My wife has slowly educated me to appreciate Bon Jovi and I have enjoyed them in concert.

How do you relax?

Spending time with my children and playing golf.

What keeps you awake at night?


If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you take?

Golf clubs (a lifetime's supply of balls), my wife (girl Friday) and two kids (Edward - caddy and Jessica - greenkeeper).