A FLY-TIPPER from Warminster has been the first in the district to be handed an £80 on-the-spot fine for dumping commercial waste.

Enforcement officers from West Wiltshire District Council managed to trace back the owner of several bags of rubbish found dumped in the Ash Walk area of town.

The fine is the first to be issued for commercial fly-tipping under new powers brought in by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act, which came into force earlier this year.

The powers have removed a defence of acting under the instruction of an employer, meaning it is easier for the council to take action against individuals.

Officers for the council have traced several fly-tippers since the launch of the act.

Environmental health manager John Carter said: "Everyone has a duty of care to make sure that their rubbish is dealt with properly, so even if you pay someone to remove items for you and they then dump them somewhere, you are liable."