PEOPLE misusing fireworks could be landed with on-the-spot fines in the run-up to November 5.

Members of the neighbourhood policing team in the Adcroft area of Trowbridge, which includes the Seymour estate and part of the town centre, will be carrying out extra patrols in a bid to reduce anti-social and even dangerous behaviour.

Pc Dave Thompson, beat manager for Adcroft, said: "Each year people are injured and a substantial amount of nuisance is caused as a result of the misuse of fireworks.

"I have received complaints from residents about the fact that Bonfire night now seems to be Bonfire week.

"There are people who are almost at breaking point as a result of the constant noise. Clearly this is unacceptable and the officers on the neighbourhood team will carry out visible patrols to try to prevent these incidents from occurring and offer greater public reassurance."

Throwing fireworks and the possession of fireworks by anyone under 18 in a public place is an offence.

It is also an offence to hold a display after 11pm unless the display organiser is approved by the local authority.

Anyone found to be breaking these laws could be issued with an £80 fine or face possible court action.

Police are advising anyone wishing to see a fireworks display to go to a properly organised public event.