A THOUSAND balloons soared high into the north Wiltshire sky on Saturday to launch a campaign to raise £250,000 so repair work can be carried out on an 800-year-old church spire.

Balloons were sold at a cost of £1 and released from St Bartholomew's churchyard in Corsham. The balloon that travels farthest over the next few weeks will win its owner a ride in a real hot air balloon.

St Bartholomew's needs major repairs to its tower and spire, so the balloon race was only the first of a series of events that will take place to raise the vital funds.

Churchwarden Andrea Unwin said: "Lots of people came along and it was a much better turnout than we had hoped for.

"We will plan some more events such as a ball in the summer, and we've also started a talent scheme where people can take £2 from the church to buy equipment with which to make more money that can then be donated to the fund.

"As well as raising money we want to use these events as a way of making people in Corsham aware of the church."

The congregation hope to raise the £250,000 over the next three to four years, as the work needs to be carried out within five years to stop further damage.