A FAIR showcasing the range of clubs and organisations on offer in Melksham proved a big hit with people of all ages.

Around 50 clubs were at the Assembly Hall on Saturday for the event, organised by Melksham Town Council.

The Scouts, Melksham Choral Society and the West Wilts Model Car Club were among the organisations taking part, and they all took the chance to tell people what they are about and recruit new members.

Jo Campbell, assistant town clerk, said: "It was a really good day and we were very pleased with the response because you never know how many people you will get at these kind of events.

"It was well advertised in the local press which helped, and we were delighted with the turnout.

"The fair was ideal for those that are new to the area as joining clubs is a good way to meet new people, and it was a good opportunity to let people know what is on offer because they are not always aware of what is out there."

Refreshments were provided throughout the day, and as well as using the event for a recruitment drive, clubs and organisations were able to network and talk to each other about how they might be able to work together in future.

As the fair received such a good response, the town council hopes to make it an annual event.