WITH Bonfire Night fast approaching, spare a thought for the hundreds of assistance dog owners all over the UK who may soon find themselves with a highly-trained assistant and invaluable lifeline that has become so traumatised by fireworks that they have to take time off work.

This can mean their owners will be left without their trusted companion and, as a result, lose their independence. Assistance Dogs UK (ADUK) is the umbrella organisation for the five registered charities training dogs for disabled people within the UK: The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Dogs for the Disabled, Support Dogs and Canine Partners. Together they have many years' experience of dealing with working dogs affected by fireworks, and are aware that a firework can often be the catalyst for general sound shyness and subsequent increased sensitivity to thunder, backfires and car doors slamming.

In order to help assistance dog owners, ADUK member charities issue advice on how to minimise stress caused by fireworks or other loud noises, and would like to share some of these tips with pet owners.

R Reduce outside noises by closing all windows and curtains, and turning on your television or radio

O Occupy pets with food toys such as a Kong filled with treats. This acts as a great distraction as they have to concentrate on getting the treats out

C Calm and quiet behaviour should be rewarded; anxious and worried behaviour should be ignored

K Keep calm yourself - your anxiety can transfer to your pet

E Early use of anti-stress aids such as DAP diffusers, plug-ins or sprays can be beneficial for animals

T Time out and safe area: pets often find their own safe place where they feel secure - if so, leave them alone.

Hopefully, the advice offered above will help reduce the numbers of pets severely traumatised by fireworks each year. That, coupled with the sensible and restricted use of fireworks, should mean the impact of Bonfire Night on assistance dogs, and their owners, and domestic pets alike will be much less, and everyone can enjoy the celebrations.

ALAN BROOKS, Chairman, Assistance Dogs UK, Hillfields, Burghfield Common, Reading. RG7 3YG