I AM writing about the ongoing problem of pigeons in Trowbridge and people feeding them.

I am 16 and am studying a national diploma in animal management at Lackham College and I have found a solution that suits everybody.

It is a simple case of animal psychology. They go where they can get a reliable source of food. So, for these people who like to feed the pigeons, encourage them to an area away from the main town, for example, a small corner of the park. After a while the pigeons will migrate from the town centre to their new feeding grounds, and because the birds will associate these people with food they will instinctively follow them, and as the word gets around' the town centre will slowly clear of pigeons. That way those who do not like them they do not have to see them and they cannot complain. Although it will take a while for it to work, it is extremely likely to.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with them, it is the pigeons that make this town amusing, as the only fun thing I can ever remember doing in this town was chasing through them -as it is a traditional part of childhood.