A MAN who stabbed another with a kitchen knife in a row over a gambling debt has been warned he could face jail.

Shayne Bennett, 38, of Church Street Apartments, Westbury, was in the Westbury Hotel, in the town's Market Place, on February 24 when he stabbed another customer, Leonard Hughes, in the arm, causing a wound which required stitches.

He had earlier gone to the hotel kitchen to get a 10-inch carving knife.

A teenage boy working in the kitchen was left terrified after Bennett told him: "I'm going to stab someone."

At Swindon Crown Court on Wednesday Bennett pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding.

He had originally pleaded not guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, but on the first morning of his trial the prosecution accepted the guilty plea to a lesser charge, on the basis Bennett had got the knife before speaking to Hughes.

Chris Smyth, prosecuting, said: "The Crown's case is he went into the hotel, saw Mr Hughes, and went and got the knife."

He conceded that despite the remark made to the kitchen worker, Bennett had not intended to cause serious harm to Mr Hughes in the following incident.

Paul Grumbar, defending, said Bennett had armed himself because he was scared of Mr Hughes and had failed to pay up a two-year-old gambling debt.

He said his client, who is diabetic, had not taken his insulin so did not remember certain parts of the evening.

He added Bennett had no previous convictions for violence and was also quite badly injured in the incident.

Judge Tom Longbotham told Bennett he could face jail when he is sentenced on December 1 after a pre-sentence report is completed.

"This is a serious charge with a maximum of five years. All sentencing options will be open," he said.

Bennett was released on bail on the condition he does not contact Mr Hughes and co-operates with the probation service.

Westbury Hotel proprietor John Doull said: "This was a one-off incident. The hotel has a very good trouble-free reputation. This was a personal argument unconnected with the general operation of Westbury Hotel.

"My thanks go to all the customers and staff who have responded in a fantastic way after what was an unfortunate incident."