PLANS to replace a primary school with up to 70 homes have been condemned by residents amid fears it will lead to noise pollution and a loss of green space.

Wiltshire County Council has applied for planning permission to build between 50 and 70 houses on the former St Michael's Primary School in Queensway, Melksham, but people living near the school are firmly against the proposals.

Margaret Baldwin, 56, whose property is right next to the school field, said: "It will be a real shame to see houses there because I like the view and the open space.

"I know there is a need for housing but I'm sure there are better locations to build them.

"At the moment there are birds and the nice view but if the houses are built it will become noisy and the view will be gone, so I wish the council would leave the area alone."

Resident Susanna Hunter, 56, is also concerned the development could lead to noise and illegal parking.

She said: "At the moment it is quite peaceful here on Queensway, and when you look out it is quite a nice view.

"More houses will make it very noisy both when they are being built and when people move in, and I also think people might park in our residents' car parking if there is not enough parking space with the new houses."

St Michael's merged with Lowbourne Junior School in Ruskin Avenue to form the Manor School in September 2005.

The county council decided the St Michael's site was surplus to requirements. It is still being used for lessons at present.

But because the plans involve selling off a playing field, the council has to hold a consultation, giving the public a chance to comment on the plans.

Dave Reichelt, 53, who lives by the field, said: "This (building houses) is not a good idea at all.

"If I'm on nights it is going to be very noisy when I'm at home in the day, and it's also going to mean more traffic coming down Queensway, when there is already a lot anyway."

The county council said proceeds from the sale of the St Michael's site will go towards improvements at The Manor School and for the expansion of King's Park Primary School.

People wanting to comment on the proposed development have to send their views to the county council by December 15 when the consultation period ends.

The county council has submitted its application to West Wiltshire District Council.