REGARDING the article in yesterday's (October 6) Wiltshire Times entitled Care home noise driving us crazy', your report included several inaccuracies about Elizabeth Lodge, which is situated near Trowbridge College.

The caption under the photograph stated the noise was coming from Shaftesbury Court which is, in fact, another residential care home some distance away in Manor Close (not connected to Elizabeth Lodge).

The local residents seem to be saying it is all right for disabled people to share a house in Trowbridge as long as they stay indoors - leaving them unable to enjoy their sensory garden. To be seen, but not heard. What a very Victorian attitude.

Surely, in 2006, those who are less able should be able to live freely, fully integrated into society, without problems and discrimination.

T FRAYLING, Westbury

  • The incorrect caption was due to a production error. We have included an apology in this week's edition. Editor