SOMETHING must be done to stop these women feeding the pigeons. This morning (Sunday) I drove over the Town Bridge at 7.30am, there were pigeons everywhere and the mess and feathers by the Townbridge Garage, well!

But it is not only the pigeons that have become a hazard. As your article last week pointed out you only have to try to walk over the bridge and have several hundred low-flying pigeon coming down towards you, but it is also the rats.

I did not realise until I recently walked along the footpath from Innox Road to the Seymour estate that the women are also leaving out cat food all up this path, not feeding cats but rats, the whole pathway is full of nests of rats. We have had dead rats in our garden, our cat was ill the other day and brought up the remains of a young rat she had eaten.

The Wiltshire Times also carried a letter about the state of the Biss near Cradle Bridge, again another area that is teeming in rats.

The pigeons and rats are causing a health hazard, is no one willing or able to stop it?

A RESIDENT OF THE BRADFORD ROAD AREA, Name and address supplied

I'D like to congratulate the Wiltshire Times on its front cover story last week (Oct 6) - you've finally sunk to the level of the gutter press.

For a moment I thought you'd become the Daily Mail, the pigeon story has become that exaggerated.

You portrayed the two Polish ladies as public enemy number one' - would you have attacked them like this if they had been English-speaking and therefore able to read your report. It's bordering on racist and I think you went too far.

Every town has pigeons and you don't hear them working themselves into a frenzy about it - try standing in Trafalgar Square and you'll see pigeons!!

You asked people to vote in your poll as to whether the pigeon ladies should be stopped. No doubt you'll get the result you want (draw your own conclusions from that!) Go down any street and you will see rubbish that has been dumped by people, not pigeons, so is it any wonder that pigeons and rats seem to be on the increase.

My message to everyone is clean-up after yourself and stop blaming others. And to the Wiltshire Times, try growing up!

MS RJ STROUD, Trowbridge

IT IS about time that the councils woke up to the problem of the pigeons. Trowbridge town is an absolute disgrace, it is supposed to be the county town of Wiltshire so wake up and clean up the town.

These women are a law unto themselves, and as for Tesco selling them the bread, Tesco should be fined £200,000 towards cleaning up the town. The trouble is the more bread they sell the more profit they make which is all they care about.

These women can be seen every day on the Town Bridge between 10.30-11 o'clock with the bike loaded up, they should be arrested on the spot, put in a cell and throw away the key.

As for spending £10,000 on a dovecote they should spend the money on something worthwhile, as it is ratepayers' hard-earned money, once again WAKE UP.

AN ANGRY TROWBRIDGE RESIDENT, Name and address supplied