RESIDENTS in a hamlet near Semington have put together a petition to stop travellers using a lane close to their homes as a campsite.

In August travellers moved onto the grass verge at Old Road, Little Marsh, with four caravans and their vehicles, sparking numerous complaints to Semington Parish Council. Although they left the site earlier this month, it has been used by travellers on a number of occasions over the past few years, and residents want access to be closed permanently to prevent it happening again.

Parish councillor Peter Vooght, who tabled the petition said: "When the travellers are there the lane becomes a no-go area for people walking their dogs and cyclists.

"Every single person apart from one who was asked to sign the petition signed it."

A spokesman for Wiltshire County Council said: "We have received the petition and are looking into how to prevent this site being used in that way again."