MULTIPLE sclerosis sufferer Mary McGee and her husband James are celebrating this week and say they have won their fight against social care cuts.

The couple, of Holbrook Vale, Melksham, have been battling with Wiltshire County Council since July over cuts to Mrs McGee's social care package. They were told this week that the existing care package will remain the same.

Mrs McGee, 61, has suffered from MS for 20 years and now has limited movement, has to be fed and cannot be left alone.

Her husband James, 62, has been looking after her since she was diagnosed with the illness with the help of social services, who have provided carers five times a day, respite care and visits to a day centre.

The Department of Adult and Community Services at the council said changes would have to be made and even suggested Mrs McGee might be better off in a home, but Mr McGee has now received confirmation saying the care package will stay the same.

He said: "We've won. They have withdrawn their threats and Mary and I are ecstatic. I want to crack open a bottle of champagne.

"We are both so pleased she won't be going into a home and she's delighted."

Mrs McGee was discharged from hospital on Tuesday after being admitted to the Royal United Hospital, Bath, three weeks ago with heart failure.

While there she received a bouquet of flowers from Cherie Blair, who wrote to the couple in August offering her services to help them in their campaign.

Mr McGee believes it was her intervention which led to this week's good news.

"I strongly believe we couldn't have done it without Cherie Blair," he said. "I think they realised there was a top barrister involved and backed off."

DACS interim director Ian Davey said while the care package had been reinstated for the time being, Mrs McGee will continue to be assessed on her future needs.

He said: "Firstly can we make it clear that we object very strongly to the suggestion that we threatened anything.

"We are not in the business of making threats - indeed we have worked extremely hard with this family to work out the best and most appropriate care for Mrs McGee - and this is still ongoing.

"Mrs McGee has been discharged from hospital and her original care package has been reinstated.

"Once she has settled in we will be carrying out a full and comprehensive assessment to make sure all her care needs are met."