Buying presents can be a hugely enjoyable experience as you carefully pick a gift that you know the recipient will love.

It can also be a complete nightmare as you fight your way through crowds to snatch the last toy off the shelf or wrestle a teenager for the latest games console.

Local shops are great for picking up unique gifts but buying online is a great way to avoid the crowds, although you can miss out on the festive rush and excitement.

Planning is essential and it's a good idea to keep a detailed list of what you need to buy, what you've bought and also have an envelope where you can store all your Christmas receipts.

Divide your list into target shops and this will save you going back and forth. You can check prices online if you are buying a large item.

Some retailers will match an online price, so it's worth asking. If you're buying lots from one place, such as an electronics store, you could always ask for a discount.

If stores offer a gift wrapping service, go for it. Unless you are blessed with superior wrapping abilities, chances are they will do a better job and save you the bother.

Stick to your budget and don't feel pressured into spending lots of money. Handmade, personal gifts can mean a lot and if in doubt, remember the magic word: vouchers.