A fitness club for people with memory problems has started in Melksham.

Movement for the Mind is a group run by Wiltshire charity Alzheimer’s Support, with funding from Melksham Rotary Club and the Melksham Area Board.

It provides physical activities for people with dementia and their carers.

The charity’s development manager, Stephany Bardzil, said: “There is growing research evidence that physical exercise is beneficial in preventing and mitigating the effects of dementia. Our club will build on that.”

Sessions will be different each month, with exercise, dance, walks and Tai Chi.

Each is led by an expert in dementia care. People taking part do not need to be fit or even mobile, as most of the activities can be adapted.

Melksham Rotary past pre-sident Bruce Sanders said: “We have wanted to do something to help people with dementia for a long time.”

Sessions are at Bowerhill Village Hall, on the second Wednesday of each month, from 10.30am to noon.

To book, call 01225 776481.