A DRIVE to recruit more special constables for Wiltshire will see police volunteers deliver a series of presentations about their role.

Wiltshire Police will host the information events around the county over the coming weeks.

Special constables are unpaid volunteers who assist police officers and hold the same powers when on duty. The presentations will be given by existing specials and human resources staff and will cover the role and duties, the recruitment process and training.

The first session is tomorrow at Devizes police headquarters, at 10.30am, followed by one on November 2 at Gablecross Police Station, Swindon, at 7pm. A third session will take place on November 7, at Salisbury Police Station, from 7pm.

To book a place for a session, visit www.wiltshire.police.uk and click on the Special Constables link, or call Andy Phillimore at Wiltshire Police on 101, extension 720 2314.