THE biggest trouble with Park & Rides is you still require the use of the car to get to them. They are not a solution but could be if worked better with rail and bus services.

At present Park & Rides only serve to ease congestion in towns by enabling people to park outside and then travel in by bus. This is OK but the car is still being used.

If Park & Rides are going to achieve their goals & objectives then someone has to start implementing a manageable system of both bus and rail networks to both access these sites on regular occasions.

Park & Rides are not environment-friendly to date. They're a step in the right direction but it is only a token measure used by governments and councils alike to say we are doing our green bit'.

Let us put the money into environment-friendly projects that means safe to the environment and stop thinking small time. We are living in a pretend world and it's time to wake up.

A Hungerford, Trowbridge