PLANS to build a super surgery in Trowbridge could devastate cricket and football facilities, according to sports club officials.

Doctors in the town announced last week they hope to use fields at the back of Adcroft surgery, at Prospect Place, to extend and improve medical facilities. But the fields, which have served as recreational land for the past 60 years, are currently leased to Trowbridge Cricket Club and are used by hundreds of youngsters and adults to play cricket and football.

Christine Scrine, of Trowbridge Cricket Club, said they had not been approached about the scheme and it could mean the end of the club altogether. She said: "If they take away that field it will mean the end of about 400 kids playing their cricket and football.

"This is the first we have heard of this. It was said we are in communication with these doctors and we have never heard of them.

"We have had no contact from them at all, which I think is pretty disgraceful really, considering how many people use that land."

Mrs Scrine said the club would eventually go under without the revenue brought in by those using the land, which it currently leases from West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust (PCT).

"It might take a couple of years but it would close us down because we simply can't support the club without that field."

Andy Mackinder, of Trowbridge Town Youth Football Club, said: "It would have a massive impact as far as we are concerned. "We have spent a lot of time building up the youth football and the club has become a real focus for the community. This would break a lot of people's hearts."

The plan, proposed by Dr Steve Rowlands of the Bradford Road Medical Centre and Dr Stephen Locke of Adcroft Surgery, is that the two surgeries should merge to provide one large primary care facility. This would include not just a doctors' surgery but a dental practice, opticians, family planning, advice centre and even a gym.

It would allow minor operations, scans and other tests to be done in Trowbridge rather than patients travelling to Bath. The plans were unveiled at a meeting of Trowbridge Town Council last week.

Councillors welcomed the plans and voted to give their support and to re-engage in consultations with the PCT on the future of healthcare in Trowbridge. But doubts were raised by some councillors about whether the benefits of the health facilities would outweigh the negative impact on sport and recreation.

Dr Rowlands confirmed he himself had not spoken to the cricket club but said, as far as he was aware, a representative of the PCT had made an initial approach to the club.

At the time of going to press the PCT was unable to comment.

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