If you insist on using the last dregs of your mascara or hanging onto your favourite powder until the label is barely legible, you may be doing your skin more harm than good.

Keeping certain products for too long can be unhealthy. After all, you wouldn't dream of eating food that's beyond its best before date, so why try to keep beauty products for as long as possible?

But how can you tell when it's been too long? While some moisturisers have an advisory date printed at the bottom, that's not the case for all products.

Sarah Stacey, co-author of The Handbag Beauty Bible (Kyle Cathie, £8.99), advises: "Rely on your eyes, nose and common sense if you perceive changes, bin the product.

"The only exception is eye make-up removers containing camomile, which can go from bright blue to dingy grey in a matter of weeks. This is a natural breakdown and not harmful: it can be avoided by keeping it in a bathroom cabinet."


"If it's left unopened, this can last two or three years, but only up to six months if you're using it," says Sarah.

"Bin it if the smell or consistency changes. It can be kept at room temperature, or in the fridge."

Expiry dates can be found at the bottom of many pots of moisturisers and eye creams, so take heed of them and if it starts feeling unpleasant to use or you become aware of an off' smell, then it may be time to buy a new pot. Always keep it out of the sun.

Eye make-up.

Mascara is the quickest cosmetic to expire.

"Buy a new one at least every six months and before that, if it goes lumpy or changes texture," Sarah advises.

If you don't want it to expire faster, don't pump the wand in and out, as you'll be exposing the product to drying air.

Eyeshadow powders, creams and pencils can and should last for years, but Sarah recommends getting rid of them if you suffer an eye infection to avoid re-infection.

Other make-up.

Foundations are designed to last for between one and two years, but if they are exposed to light and changes of temperature, the oils can start to go rancid and separate before that time.

Powder blushes are good almost forever, as bugs can't breed in the dry formula, but cream blushers should be replaced every year, at a minimum.

Nail varnish should last for a year, but if it goes lumpy before that, get rid of it it'll only lead to a less-than-perfect manicure. You can keep nail varnish in the fridge to prolong its shelf life.


"Your nose will tell you if it's in perfect condition, although it should last at least a year, and sometimes much longer," adds Sarah. "Fragrance can start to smell less than sexy if it's exposed to sunlight, so it's best to keep it in the dark, or better still, the fridge."


Change your suncream regularly, as they may become less effective over time.

"This is one product that's crucial to replace every year," Sarah explains. "That may seem expensive, but the screening ingredients can lose their potency if they spend winter in your bathroom cabinet, exposing you to the risk of sunburn next summer."

Make them last.

Look after your beauty products and they'll look after you. A few simple tips will prolong their life.

Keeping them away from sunlight and heat will help immensely, and storing them in the fridge, as you would with food, will keep them fresh for longer.

Use the accompanying spatulas and nozzle caps, and keep them clean they're designed to stop you contaminating the ingredients with less-than-spotless fingers. Cotton wool buds are useful too, as they can be thrown away after each use.

Keep lids firmly screwed, and if you have the choice between a jar or a pump-action product, choose the latter as it stops air and germs getting in.

And it may sound like common sense, but remember to wash and dry your hands before applying skincare or make-up, to reduce the risk of infection and spreading bacteria.