I wish to reassure your readers about ambulance performance times in Wiltshire.

Great Western Ambulance Service (GWAS) has seen significant improvements in performance in recent times.

In Wiltshire we are reaching our patients faster than ever before. So far this month we have reached 74.9 per cent of life threatening calls within eight minutes. Our target is 75 per cent.

Getting to all incidents faster, wherever they are, is key to delivering the highest levels of patient care, which is our primary aim.

The improvements in our service are due to the continuing hard work and commitment to excellence of our staff.

Also, the changes we have introduced throughout the organisation in recent months are making a real difference to our patients.

These include additional staff in our Emergency Operations Centres answering 999 calls and dispatching ambulances, as well as more operational crews available to reach patients.

A huge improvement for patients is that 99 per cent of all 999 calls to GWAS are now being answered within five seconds – making us the top performing ambulance service in England.

Keith Scott, Locality Director for Wiltshire Great Western Ambulance Service, Wiltshire Locality, Wiltshire Police HQ, London Road, Devizes.