At the April meeting members discussed the increase in welfare casework due to soldiers returning from both Afghanistan and Iraq. The branch caseworker, Rick Owen, briefed members and said there had been a marked increase in the number of men and women suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and some were receiving help from our sister organisation, Combat Stress.

While there had also been an increase in those suffering serious, disabling, injuries there was still a steady stream of older clients who were now finding their mobility and general ability to cope with life hampered by damage or injuries sustained as a result of their service many years ago.

On a lighter note, Brian Mitchell spoke about work he was already doing toward this year's Poppy Appeal 2009. While November is of course some months away, Brian told the meeting about business connections he was making with a view to raising our profile and launching Poppy Appeal in a suitable way. Members were asked to start spreading the word that it was never too early to look for volunteers to help with Poppy Appeal, whether in our house-to-house effort, at the static points at Tesco or in The Shires or in the back room helping with the preparation and counting.

If anyone would like further information either about welfare help from The Royal British Legion, or would like to volunteer to serve in any capacity with this year's Poppy Appeal they should contact Rick Owen on 01225 766210 or by e-mail on ro007h1349@blueyonder.