I would like to make a couple of comments about issues raised in your paper.

Firstly, the redundancy payments to senior officers at the district councils.

These were, as you state, agreed by the implementation executive of the county council – please don't go blaming all local politicians for the decision made by a dozen or so councillors (nearly all of whom are Conservative by the way). Secondly, the 3.5 per cent unitary council tax increase.

The leader of the Lib Dem group at North Wiltshire District Council makes several valid points that I wholeheartedly agree with.

However, there remains one question. If the Lib Dems at the county council hold similar “anti tax increase” views, why did they not vote against the increase?

The only councillors to stand up and be counted were the independents who voted against the rise. But then, of course, we can't be whipped into toeing a party line.

Cllr Ernie Clark (independent), WWDC Avonside Ward, WCC Holt and Paxcroft Division