A petrol station in Bradford on Avon is currently still not selling unleaded fuel after residents first reported problems at the end of September. 

As previously reported, the Texaco filling station, in Trowbridge Road, has put yellow notices over the unleaded fuel pumps on its forecourt to indicate they are unavailable.

Yellow plastic cards on the pumps say “sorry out of use”.

On the Spotted in Bradford on Avon Facebook page residents have been highlighting the issue.

On Friday, September 27, Mary Ann Steele posted: “Can anyone tell me why the Texaco on Trowbridge Road hasn’t had unleaded petrol for ages?”

READ MORE: Wiltshire petrol station not selling unleaded fuel as drivers report issues

The Texaco filling station in Trowbridge Road, Bradford on Avon, has been unable to sell unleaded fuel for several weeks. The Texaco filling station in Trowbridge Road, Bradford on Avon (Image: Trevor Porter)

A Times reporter visited the petrol station on Friday, October 4 and was also unable to purchase any unleaded fuel.

Almost two weeks later, on Thursday, October Friday 17 a reporter visited the site again and could still not purchase unleaded fuel.

The Wiltshire Times has also attempted to contact the Bestway Group, which runs the Central shop, for a comment but has had no response. 

A Wiltshire Times reporter also phoned the petrol station and was told by one staff member the problem could go on until "potentially the beginning of December". It is not clear if this will be the case.