Former Wiltshire MP Michelle Donelan says she’s finding it difficult to adjust after losing the battle for the Melksham & Devizes seat in the July General Election.

The Liberal Democrat candidate Brian Mathew won the new seat by 2,401 votes with 20,031 votes, compared to the 17,630 votes for Miss Donelan. The turn-out was 69.96 per cent.

In an email to constituents, Miss Donelan says she’s found it difficult to adjust to life not being a local MP after nine years at Westminster.

She said: “Over the summer, I have enjoyed going to events and very much staying part of our community.

“It’s been hard because I loved helping residents and our area so much – so I’ve found adjusting quite an adjustment after over nine years.”

Miss Donelan added: “I am still a little miffed that they were such strict rules at our count, and they wouldn’t let me do a speech.

“Strangely, ours stipulated only the winner could speak and I still wish I’d had the chance to thank everyone using that platform.

“I was there for about two hours before the declaration and thanked volunteers, but it wasn’t quite the same.

“However, I do want everyone who voted for and/or helped me to know how very much I truly appreciate it.

“Whilst we were close, we weren’t close enough and that’s the nature of the first past the post system that I will always defend.”

Over the past few months, Miss Donelan and her team have been passing over her active casework to Mr Mathew’s team.

Just before the General Election, the Conservatives moved offices from Chippenham to a shop opposite Greggs in Melksham High Street and they have since been sorting it out.

Miss Donelan added: “We will all have our opinions of the first few months of this Labour government but mine have been consumed with worry for our pensioners.

“They now face a harsh winter without the money many of them rely on to heat their homes. I don’t think this is fair or right, nor were Labour upfront about it in the election.

“I’m the first to acknowledge that the Conservative government made many mistakes and faced a number of challenges.

“However, this government is certainly making mistakes from the off and creating some long-term challenges which I intend to call out to help ensure our area doesn’t suffer any more than it has to.”