Bradford on Avon Town Council has been forced to cancel its Skate Jam because of uncertainty over the weather.

The Skate was scheduled to have been held at Poulton Park in Bradford on Avon on September 7 but was postponed because of heavy rainfall leading up to the event.

The council said it was “disappointed” about the decision but that a wet skate park and muddy surrounds would not have been enjoyable for competitors or spectators.

This year's Skate Jam was hit by heavy rainfall in the run up to the event in early September.This year's Skate Jam was hit by heavy rainfall in the run up to the event in early September. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Now the council says the event has been cancelled for this year and will put its efforts into making next year’s Skate Jam bigger and better.

A council spokesperson said: “Unfortunately, despite everyone’s best efforts, we haven’t been able to reschedule the Skate Jam for this year.

“With unpredictable autumn weather, we can’t guarantee a dry day.

“We’re sorry for any disappointment this causes, but we’re aiming for an even bigger and better event next summer.

“Join us and the local skating community for a prize-packed Jam on Saturday, July 19 2025 – we’d love to see you there.”

If you’re a skatepark regular and have any ideas of what you’d like to see at next year’s Skate Jam – please get in touch with