Residents have complained about “disgusting” rubbish which is repeatedly left in parts of a Wiltshire town centre.

These concerns were sparked by piles of rubbish left at the entrance to the West Central Car Park in Devizes, behind The Shambles, on Wednesday, September 17.

Along with a nearby mattress, the rubbish was not in designated bins ready for collection.

After a picture of the mess was posted on Facebook, Cllr Iain Wallis, the representative for Devizes North, added that rubbish being left at the entrance to the car park is a “long running issue”.

READ MORE: Rats invade block of flats after 'smelly' bins not emptied for weeks

Rubbish left in a Devizes car parkRubbish left in a Devizes car park (Image: Trevor Porter) Others say they have experienced similar problems at other hotspots around the town centre.

Victoria Harvey said: “Sadly, this is happening a lot around town at the moment.

“Folks not taking their bins in, leaving rubbish in bags beside them, I wonder if they know the binmen won't take them?

“They see one person doing it, so everybody does it. It's fly-tipping, I've reported some to Wiltshire Council, that seems to be all we can do.”

Rebecca Herd added: “There's often rubbish and broken things dumped there in that location next to the bins and not just on bin days.

“Also the corner by the flats behind M&S just by the car park entrance often looks a mess with overflowing bins and dumped rubbish.”

Nigel Carter highlighted Snuff Street as another location that needs more enforcement.

He said: “Could you add Snuff Street to the list please? Tenants of the flats are leaving their waste bins in the street, despite having a bin store, and when I last looked there was a smashed TV lying in the street.

“It is not a good look on what is supposed to be the ‘golden link’ between town and the Wharf.”

Cllr Wallis urged residents to report instances like this via the Wiltshire Council app or website, and also raised the issue with Cllr Dominic Muns, who is the cabinet member for waste and the environment.

Wiltshire Council has been contacted for comment.