The number of entries at Bradford on Avon Flower & Produce Show was slightly down this year as the weather took its toll on gardeners and their plants.

This year’s show saw 71 entrants and 300 entries, compared to 80-plus entrants and 400 entries in last year’s annual event.

A spokesperson for the show organisers, Bradford on Avon Town Council, said: “It was a bad growing summer for gardeners, plus a number of regular exhibitors being on holiday were the main reasons, we think.”

John Potter took a first prize with his Elderflower cordial after collecting the raw materials in June.John Potter took a first prize with his Elderflower cordial after collecting the raw materials in June. (Image: Trevor Porter)

On the bright side, the organisers logged 414 visitors who crowded into St Margaret’s Hall on Sunday to browse the exhibits on display.

One of the show highlights was again local grower Neville Day, who took the Avonfield Cup for the most points scored in the fruit and vegetables classes.

He won 14 classes and took eight second places to take home one of the most coveted trophies, the Avonfield Cup, scoring 86 points out of a maximum 100.

Neville, 68, from Bradford on Avon, broke two ribs and bruised his ribcage after falling out of a tree on January 2 and took seven weeks to recover.

He said: “It’s been the worst season I have ever known. The weather has been either too wet or too hot.

“We are never going to get perfect weather but we don’t get that in between. It’s either all or nothing.”

Visitors to the annual show take a close look at the cake-baking entries. Visitors to the annual show take a close look at the cookery entries. (Image: Trevor Porter)

This year, there were 99 categories to enter from old favourites including the most amusing vegetable to some intriguing new ones.

They all contributed to a wonderful display of fruit, flowers and vegetables, jams and jellies, cakes and bakes, and all kinds of creative crafts.

The show was open to the public from 2pm to 4pm, with tea and cake on offer to raise funds for the Save the Children charity.

Prizewinners with their cups at the Bradford on Avon Produce Show. Prizewinners with their cups at the Bradford on Avon Produce Show. (Image: Trevor Porter)



Full list of show winners:

BoA Potato Challenge Cup - Vernon Burchell

Avonfield Cup (fruit and veg) - Neville Day

BoA Preservation Trust Compost Cup - Chris Young

Robin Gould Memorial cup (tastiest tomato) - Tina Vivian

Ms B Avon WI Craft cup - shared award to Mary Clark and Jane Jones

Climate Friendly Bradford Trophy - Evie Froud

Town Council Flower Cup - Tina Vivian

Tillions’ Cookery Trophy - shared award to Mary Clark and Aaron Burchell

Town Council Jam Cup - Judith Holland

Bloomfield’s Marmalade Cup - Aaron Burchell

Dog & Fox drinks trophy - Roz Surtees